1. It snowed in Wilmington! This happens once every two or three years, so we get pretty excited.
2. Eli is sitting up on his own. He still needs help getting into a sitting position, but he can stay there and if he falls he can brace himself.
3. Eli can get around using a one-arm-dragging crawl.
4. Eli out-grew his car seat and stroller. We bought a new car seat but we're still shopping for a jogging stroller.
5. Eli's baby bath moved out of the sink and into the bath tub. He splashes too much!
6. Eli has slept through the night 3 nights in a row! He now wakes up at 7:00 on the dot every morning. I had just been getting used to getting up with him. To be honest, I think I might actually miss it!
7. We updated the shutterfly site. Here are the best of the best...