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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Eli's a model!

He starred in this ad for a "Caught Reading" library photo contest. Maybe we could put him to work for us. =)


I'm still loving it. I have visited a few friends lately who have two or more children. Some of them have had a three month old and a three year old. It seems incredibly hard. You can look in their eyes and see that they just don't have the energy to discipline the three year old, and are half-zombies from lack of sleep. These same parents don't have children who nap. I can't imagine. Eli naps twice a day every day and usually one nap is at least 2 hours. I'm lucky. But I keep asking myself, when is the right time to try for another? I guess every child is different, but 2 or 3 sure seems like a tough age to bring in another baby. But I don't have that many child-bearing years left so...

Yesterday was the 7-month anniversary of my mom's death. That is hard to believe. It still seems very impossible that she's not here, and I still find myself thinking about calling her and then I remember that I can't. Today I visited a childhood friend from Cincinnati who happens to now live in Wilmington. She asked how my parents were. That was very hard. She said that her mom remembers my mom as a good friend. Who doesn't? I told her that I learned from my mom that you can never have too many friends.

I want to pass along a link to another blog that I have become addicted to. It's www.thespohrsaremultiplying.com. The author had a child prematurely and did not know whether she would survive at the beginning. The little girl, Madeline, was a fighter, and she did survive, but had to use oxygen occassionally at night. One day a few months ago, the one-and-a-half-year-old's breathing became more difficult and she passed away unexpectedly. The author, Heather, writes almost every day very honestly about her grief. Reading this blog, I somewhat identify with her grief and at the same time I am reminded of how lucky I am to have Eli and I am reminded to stay in the present with him.

I am so glad I decided not to work. Eli and I are having so much fun, and I don't feel like I'm missing anything anymore. And I have even had chances to do a bit of cleaning.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Briefly while Eli's napping...

And I'm taking care of things...

I'm loving staying at home so far. We've been pretty busy so far, going to Charlotte this past weekend for Eli's cousin-to-be's baby shower, and visiting with my dad here in Wilmington before that. Today we're just chillaxin and watching Wimbledon, thinking about all those times I watched Wimbledon with my mom. I wish she was here, but she'd be as disappointed as I am that Rafa's not playing. I'm glad she got to see him win last year.

Eli's walking now. He started almost 2 weeks ago with a few steps and now he hardly ever crawls. He is just so excited to be upright. I'll try to get Chris to post a video as evidence sometime soon.

My one regret with staying home is that Eli doesn't have kids to play with most of the day. But I'm working on that, trying to set up some play dates and such.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Summer of Andrea and Eli

I have great plans for this summer. I dream of taking Eli to the beach, Cincinnati, play groups, parks, pools, the Children's Museum, indoor play gyms, and friends' houses. I plan to go for walks in the mornings and BodyPump classes at the gym in the afternoons. I plan to take Eli to swim lessons, music lessons, and yoga lessons. I dream of napping on rainy afternoons, cooking, cleaning, and being on our own schedule.

But there's this nagging voice in my head that keeps reminding me of the "Summer of George". You remember--the Seinfeld episode where George gets a severence package from the Yankees which he figures will last him about three months, so he decides to take the summer off. He has grandiose plans for the summer, but he ends up wearing sweatpants all day and buying a recliner with a refridgerator built in.

I don't have a severence package, but I do have grand plans for my time off. I have to be very careful to have the summer of Andrea and Eli and not the summer of George.