Hi All!
So here's an update on details.
Elliot "Eli" James Talley weighed in at 8 Pounds, 11 ounces, and the tale of the tape says he was 21 inches long! That's a keeper!
The whole thing started at around 2:30 AM Thursday night--Andrea wondered if she was having contractions. By 4:30 AM, we were measuring them, and by 6:00 AM we were in the hospital.
Andrea decided going in she wanted to do it "naturally", and was an incredible trooper through it all. It was sometimes hard to tell she was going through contractions because she was so quiet, though she did have to start gritting her teeth by the time it came to push around...I think 1:30 pm. She didn't give up though, and after almost fainting in the last push, Eli
decided it was time and arrived at 3:35 PM. It was a great achievement, and we really want to thank our Mid-wife Suzanne and nurse Ericka for being a super support team!
Cleanup took awhile, but finally by about 5ish, the Talley Grandparents and Susan Wood (thanks again for posting the pics!) got to see him. Smiles all around! Later, around 7, the Wimmer Grandparents made it in from their Cinci flight, and it was more of the same. We also managed to eat some food (Andrea's first meal in a long time!), and by 9, we settled into the night...
I continually have been finding newfound respect for parents (in general), and particularly all the parents I know (least of them my own), and last night was hard fought--and much loved--and I am proud to join the club. Eli did keep us up, and we were both beyond exhausted. When I finally stretched out on the pull out couch at...hm, 1 in the morning, I literally felt like a steamroller had given me a go; I was amazed by Andrea's strength in this regard, as she continued to show such patience for Eli's needs (I did, too, but I didn't have to breastfeed!).
We made it through though, and we got a good couple of hours in the later morning that has really shot us through the day so far.
Elliot. Wow. Again, newfound respect and kinship with parents. When my mother says you will never feel a love as powerful as that love for your newborn, she was so right. It makes me tear up just thinking about it. He has been amazing, and seeing, just inches away from my face, a little human being open his eyes for the first time and look around...there is no price for such an experience, and the most pivotal experience I have had as a human being--it shakes me to my core, and I certainly hope everyone has an opportunity to experience it in their life as well.
Ok, enough chit chat...time to get back to business!
Chris, Andrea, and Eli