Here we are on our first night...everybody has left and it is just Andrea, Eli, and me. Eli's eyes were, I think, open and looking around for the first time. He slept in that little cradle, and it was nice that it was clear so we could maintain a constant vigil over him.
Andrea and Eli having a peaceful moment together. They are very beautiful together.
Me and Eli maxing. I thought I had it all figured out...but it doesn't take long to dispel that.
This photo was after we had gotten back from the Doctor's office (for Eli's snip). It was hot outside, we were exhausted, and so we just fell asleep. I assured Eli things would be alright.
Will post some more soon. Many appreciative thanks for the thoughts, flowers, cards, and assorted goodies that have been sent our way. These first days have been exhausting, exhilarating, and forever etched in our memory. And Eli is the coolest!
Chris, Andrea, and Eli
You're a good dad.
The Gronottes
Congatulations ya'll. Elliott is beautiful. Welcome to the world buddy!
R.T. Jones
P.S. No epidural? Andrea, you are a bad ass.
This latest round of pictures only leaves me hungering ... for MORE PICTURES! Might I suggest ? It's our fave.
Ok, you guys are getting slack! I'm sure he has grown a ton since you last posted pics! Ya'll better get busy and keep us all up to date!! After all.. what else do ya have to do? lol
Did I mention how cute he is?
(of course I'm talking about Eli)
I forgot to sign my name!
He is a beautiful baby! Can't wait to meet him. Congrats on the natural birth Andrea! So happy for you all!! Enjoy, enjoy, it goes so fast!!
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