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Monday, September 27, 2010

Going to try to write more, I promise!

I've decided to make this more of a "Mommy Blog" and less about our family in particular. That means more writing about the trials, tribulations, and joys of being a mom. But before I get to that, I have some Talley business to attend to.

In case you haven't heard by now, and I'm not sure if anyone checks this blog anymore, much less anyone who doesn't already know this information, (please send me a comment if that is you) I am having another baby, he is due in February, and yes, he is a boy.

To be honest, I really wanted a girl. But the way Eli keeps talking about his "Baby Butter" (translation: Baby Brother) he is getting me excited too. And at least I still won't have girl hair to deal with, and maybe a little less pre-teen angst when the time comes. And yes, they can play together. They can play with their cars and trucks and spiderman and swords and leave me bewildered but trying to keep up. At least I like sports.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I m glad that you are going to write more. I almost gave up looking for any 'news' on here. I know you are probably tired now, but it is like all of us who start a 'baby book' to keep all the details of our first born, and then when the 2nd and 3rd come along, there is hardly anything at all in the books. We do get busy, but that is a good thing because we are spending more time with our children than the world. Mommyhood is so wonderful. Enjoy it while you can. Remember we are forming the future leaders.

Love and prayers,