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Thursday, July 16, 2009


I don't know if it's because I'm with Eli all day now, or because he's at the age when he is starting to understand a lot more, but I am learning a LOT every day about parenting. I am so much more involved in trying to teach Eli positive behaviors and wrestling the control away from him. It is a lot of work, but I'm so glad I'm getting a chance to do it. Seeing him a few hours a day like before, I wasn't doing much of that, and I wouldn't really call that parenting.

This week I've started taking advantage of the free day care at the gym, and Eli has been none too happy to be dropped off there, so I became determined to go every day and get him used to it. Every time I peak in, he's being held by one of the staff, which means he isn't happy playing on the floor. But I am going to go as often as possible and hopefully that will change. At least he didn't cry when I dropped him off today.

I also bought a membership to StrollerStrides--an exercise class for mommies and their stroller-children. I figured it would be a good way to meet some other moms and toddlers. Which means I have been working out twice a day. I eat whenever I get a chance, but if I keep up with this routine, there may not be much left of me =).

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