So much has happened since my last post, I don't know where to start. I'm sure you've all read my parents' blog about last weekend. What a weekend it was! Two surprise parties in one day and another shower on Sunday! All I can say is how grateful I am that everything went off without a hitch--we were especially lucky with the weather. And I'm even more grateful to everyone who helped with and hosted the parties; the Trestle Dr. neighbors and my Aunt Pam. An extra BIG thank-you to Gregg and Cindy Enger, who helped in a major way with both surprise parties, the day before they hosted a birthday party for their son! What can I say but THANK YOU!
It was so great to spend time with everyone who came to the parties. And what fun to open all the gifts from everyone and ooh and ahh over how cute all the baby stuff is! My Wilmington friends are hosting a shower for me tomorrow, so more fun and cute baby stuff is on the way!
I noticed when I started to write this that there are 50 days until my due date. Time sure is flying by! Fortunately, we have moved back into our house and the contractors are out. The carpet looks great! We still have a lot of things to move back into place, but it's getting done slowly but surely. I spent 7 hours cleaning up after our sloppy contractors today--boy, was I tired! We are finally ready for a crib and other nursery furniture.
I had a great 32nd birthday yesterday. I went to see a movie with some girl friends and then went out for dessert/drinks with friends after the movie. Today I got a Wii Fit game from my parents as a birthday gift. It's starts you off with a fit test, and weighs you and gives your BMI. For the first time in my life, I was called overweight. And my Wii Fit Age was 67! Obviously there's no option to enter that you are pregnant.
I feel like I'm mostly over the cold that I got last weekend. Now I'm suffering from leg cramps almost every night. Which I think is less fun for Chris than it is for me!
I think that's all for now. Thanks again for everyone who helped make last weekend so special for me and my mom. We will never forget it!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Two Months to Go!
The past couple of weeks have been weird. We've had contractors in our house almost every day, fixing stuff, painting, and replacing carpet. This photo was taken the night before the carpet was replaced. The house has pretty much looked like that for 2 weeks. And because of the fumes and dust, we've been sleeping mostly at my parents' condo. So between going to Cincinnati, sleeping at the condo, trying to find stuff in our huge pile, and living partially out of suitcases, it's been pretty crazy. We both look forward to getting our house back to normal now that the carpet is in--once we get back from Cincinnati next week!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Mother's Day, Part 2
While Chris was in Ocean Isle with his family last weekend, I was in Cincinnati with mine. Some people acknowledged that this was my first Mother's Day as a mother, and others said it was my last Mother's Day of not being a mother. The only thing that mattered to me was getting to spend a very quality week with my own mom. Her feeling better than expected was the best Mother's Day gift I could have received. And while I hated to miss seeing Chris' family and being away from him on his birthday, I was grateful that we could each be with our families and that we have the joy of parenthood to anticipate.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's Day (in no particular order): Gamma, Granny, Linda, Ann, and soon to be mom Andrea!
On this mother's day (and my birthday), I had the pleasure of also seeing my cousin Derek and his wife Bree, and their newborn. I held a baby yall:

I can definitely say holding the little baby Holt was a special feeling that brought out the to-be-father in me. I'm glad our son will have such special mom, grandmoms, and great-grandmoms surrounding him.
Love you all!
As an added bonus, here's a Doogan picture:

On this mother's day (and my birthday), I had the pleasure of also seeing my cousin Derek and his wife Bree, and their newborn. I held a baby yall:
I can definitely say holding the little baby Holt was a special feeling that brought out the to-be-father in me. I'm glad our son will have such special mom, grandmoms, and great-grandmoms surrounding him.
Love you all!
As an added bonus, here's a Doogan picture:
Sunday, May 4, 2008
A New House!
When we got back to our house in Wilmington, we were surprised to see that it was a different color! Not shocked, because we had contracted a crew to do it, we just didn't expect so much of it to be finished when we got back. It's not completely finished, but it's on the way. For those of you who haven't seen the house before, it used to be light brown with the same dark brown trim. One of the things that is not yet finished is that the door is going to be red!
Hopefully this week the new carpet will be installed in our house, and then next week the inside of our house will be painted. Right now our house is in disorder while light fixtures and fans are being replaced and plumbing is being repaired. Which we are going to have to get used to for the next few weeks, months, and probably years.
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