For Mom
You made me a rainbow room and a Grover pillow.
You let me lick the beaters for every batch of cake you mixed.
You filled the hallway candy jar with candy corn every October.
You never forgot to put out the “You are special today” plate on my birthday.
You taught me to bring a book when I get my hair cut,
And that hours wasted playing Set are not hours wasted.
You made me French toast every Saturday morning.
You clapped hands with me whenever we walked together.
You taught me to love chocolate thoroughly and unabashedly,
And to enjoy Breakfast at Wimbledon with mimosas.
You always chat up cashiers at the grocery store.
Your thumbs are always active, and so are mine.
You’ve shown me the art of making a great care package
And how to have many best friends.
You believe that the only actions that matter in life are what you do for others
And that everybody needs somebody, and that you should be that somebody.
You encourage me to be myself and you love me for who I am.
You taught me to enjoy life and to laugh in the hardest of times
And to be good because you trusted me, not because I might get in trouble.
You have given me a model of motherhood.
Thank you.