We also went to Toys R' Us to check out the selection this morning. We don't have a Babies R' Us here in Wilmington, but the Toys R' Us did have a good selection of baby stuff. I expected to be lost when it came time to registering for and buying baby stuff, but today I realized that it's not that confusing--we basically need one or two of everything. We didn't register yet; we still haven't gotten the bedding that I ordered and we are also going to check out what Target has to offer. We'll probably register at both. Now comes my poll: I would like to know any advice that all the parents out there have for registering. Is there anything you are really glad you had, or that you wish you had, that is not an obvious item? Any and all suggestions are welcome.
I think you were less overwhelmed because Toys R Us is like a mini-Babies R Us. Babies R Us is a HUGE warehouse o' stuff. I still get a little freaked by it even now.
Here are some thoughts on the stuff/registering:
People will give you TONS of clothes, bibs, books, stuffed animals, and blankets, so you don't need to register for those.
Good basics to register for are: stroller (with car seat or not--the ones without are MUCH lighter and less bulky), highchair or portable booster seat, mealtime stuff like sippy cups and baby spoons/forks/plates, the Baby Bjorn bib--it is AWESOME when they start eating table foods, crib and mattress, several sets of sheets, mattress pad, changing table, infant swing, exersaucer (this is a lifesaver), infant "gym", monitors (get at least a couple receivers for different areas of the house), bassinet, pack-n-play, diaper genies (get 2!), crib mobile, infant toys, baby tub, infant first-aid/healthcare kit, thermometer, diaper bag (don't skimp, you'll carry it EVERYWHERE), nursing stuff if you plan to nurse (like pillow, pump, cream, etc.), pacifiers (we like Nuk),
Also, here are some tips from BabyCenter moms about what they wish they knew about buying car seats, etc.
That's all I can think of right now. There's probably a million other things I'm forgetting. That's what happens when you're a mom! You can just call me when you're in the store registering and I'll be your registration consultant.
I would suggest someone throw you a diaper party. It's a wonderful thing!
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