We have been married for almost 9 years, and for 9 years, it has been me, Chris, and our two cats in our household.
We love our cats, and they are spoiled because of it.
As you can see, napping with the cats is an art form around our house.
They sleep in our bed, sit on our laps, and generally provide entertainment and lounging.
For more proof about how much we love our cats, visit their
Of course with all the lounging about that they love to do, they haven’t found time to post lately.
But all that is getting ready to change. Not only are naps going to become a thing of the past, but the cats will be moving out. You see, they are not all fun and games. They keep a messy litter box (and don’t always use it), they jump on everything, eat any food we leave out, and would generally be a hindrance to the raising of a small baby.
Our neighborhood has lots of feral cats and even packs of wild dogs, so our pampered house cats would certainly perish in the tough animal world of our neighborhood. So we are renovating our two-story detached garage. Not only will this give our cats a place to live, but Chris will have an office in the second story. He is working from home now, so he will get to spend a lot of time with the cats out there.
Still, whenever we are snuggling with Sierra or laughing at Nevada, I feel a twinge of guilt. They have no idea how their lives are getting ready to change. While Chris will still see them a lot, I definitely won’t see them as often. And they will be sleeping somewhere other than in our bed at night. But we will have a new joy in our lives, and I’m sure that my cat-guilt will soon be replaced by another, grander guilt—the guilt of the working mom.
All of my dreams are coming true!!
Wish I had a two story detatched garage I could send my cats off to live at!
I think you are making a wise decision for yourself though. Before too long there will be lots of things scattered all over your house, who needs the extra furballs?
Your cats are luckier than ours! They just got the little heated box on the front porch. But we let them in when the snow's bad, like it is this weekend. We're not completely heartless.
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