Unfortunately, spring in Wilmington also means that everything outdoors (cars, decks, sidewalks, etc) are covered with a film of yellow dust--otherwise know as pollen. I never minded the pollen too much before. Ugly, but I'll take it with the warm weather. But since I've been pregnant, I have had sinus trouble like I never did before. I get bloody noses, headaches, and general sluggishness from stuffy sinuses. I have heard a few other pregnant
One more note of interest. I finally found time to stop by the natural baby store in the Cotton Exchange today. I had learned about it at the Holistic Maternity and Family Fair a few weeks back, when I spoke to the owner who very patiently showed me the various types of cloth diapers that are now available. She actually made them seem usable, using her child in a sling on her hip as an example. She explained that cloth diapers have come a long way, baby--they are fitted, much

This quaint little store in a historic shopping area offers registries, but not on-line. They do have a web site, and people who are looking for a "green gift" can e-mail or call them for my registry. Which brings me to my favorite thing about this store--the name, "You Are My Sunshine". My mom always sang this song to me when I was younger, and she even cross-stitched a wall hanging for me with a rainbow and that phrase. Have I mentioned how much I love my mom? I love you mom!
How could I not respond after that beautiful ending? Thanks so much for that.
I don't think I knew about the pollen before.I guess I've seen it, but not paid too much attenntion. Hope it doesn't bother you too much. Talk to you later.
Love, MOM
I love the idea that you hope to use real cloth diapers. From our home, we can see Rumpke Landfill. Can you imagine how much of that is disposable diapers? I used cloth diapers on all of my kids...I know, that was in the olden days, but even then, I felt good about what I was doing for the environment. Way to go Andrea and Chris! Not many signs of spring yet in Ohio. Enjoy the sunshine!!!!!! Sue N
I am a New York Times bestselling author working on a new book about mother-daughter relationships and thought you might want to contribute. Please visit my page for details about submitting stories for Mom's Little Angel.
Gregory E. Lang
Author of “Daddy’s Little Girl,” “Why a Daughter Needs a Dad,” “Why a Daughter Needs a Mom” and more.
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